Medina is the center of Islamic development. It was in this city that the Islamic community first became a political force. Prophet Muhammad was not only a religious leader but also a community and made Medina the center of government. Its government is based on Islamic rule. The Prophet then tried to spread his religion by expanding his territory.
After the Prophet Muhammad died in 632, the process of spreading Islam was then continued by the Caliph.
Until 750, Islamic territory covered the Arabian Peninsula, Palestine, North Africa, Iraq, Syria, Persia, Egypt, Sicily, Spain, Asia Minor, Russia, Afghanistan, and areas in Central Asia. At this time the people who led the way were the Umayyads with the capital city of Damascus.
In 750, the Umayyads were defeated by the Abbasids who then ruled until 1258 with the capital city of Baghdad. At this time there was not much area expansion done, concentrating more on science, culture and Islamic civilization. Baghdad became a center of trade, science and culture.
After the reign of the Abbasids, Islamic power was divided. This split resulted in many areas that broke away. As a result, the spread of Islam was carried out individually. This religion can develop rapidly because Islam regulates the relationship between humans and God. Islam is spread without coercion for everyone to embrace it.
Most influential and ever alive, we can see their influence today through the two largest religions in the world, Christianity with more than 2 billion without question, Jesus Christ and Muhammad are his followers and Islam with 1.3 billion followers.
A very large difference was seen between these two groups. Most of them
Christians have very little understanding of what Muhammad did and taught. On the other hand, Muslims believe that they understand who Jesus is and what he taught, but their belief is contrary to the teachings in.
a. Muhammad's Birthplace
Muhammad was born in Mecca, Arabia, on August 2, 570 (twelfth day, month of Rabiya, on the lunar calendar). Muhammad's father died before he was born, and Muhammad was the first and only child born to his mother. Because her husband died, Muhammad's mother took the baby away and lived with her family.
They lived together for about six years, until he caught a fever and died. Muhammad then lived with his grandfather on his father's side. His father's family came from the Qurais tribe, one of the most influential tribes in Mecca. This tribe is in charge of guarding the main place of prayer for all Arabs, which is a temple filled with idols known as Ka'abah. Muhammad's grandfather was the one who helped look after the Ka'abah. He performs repair and cleaning duties.
b. The story of Muhammad from childhood to adulthood
When Muhammad was twelve years old, he accompanied his uncle on a trip to Syria. One of the largest camel carriages is owned by the richest and most influential woman in Mecca, named Kadijah. Islamic history says that when he saw Muhammad's honest and kind qualities, he hired him to lead a chariot to Syria. When Muhammad returned, these items were sold for (roughly) double the price. Kadija was impressed by that. Even though he was over forty, had been divorced four times and had several children, he proposed to Muhammad, his twenty-five year old train manager.
a. Surah -Ke4-Nisa: 162
But those who have deep knowledge among them, and those who believe, they believe (the Koran) and in (the books) that were revealed before you, as well as those who pray and pay zakat and believe in God and days later. We will give them a great reward.
So, here it is clear that they admit, that we know the truth better than them, because they admit that the previous Scriptures were before them.
b. Surah -Ke4-Nisa: 171
O people of the Book! Do not exceed the limits of your religion, and do not say to Allah except what is true. Surely Almasih 'Isa, the son of Mary, is the messenger of Allah and (who was created with) His words which He Spoken to Mary, and (by deception) the spirit from Him. So have faith in Allah and His apostles and do not say (God is) three, stop (from that greeting). (it's) better for you. Verily Allah, the Almighty God, the Holy is he from (presumed) to have children. His is what is in the sky and what is on earth. And Allah is sufficient as a protector.
So, in my understanding here in this reading, there is a bit of confusion where the aim of the expression is not aimed at the goal or focus. And they acknowledge that Isa Almasih is the word of Allah who became human.
Even they say "Al-Quran is the fruit of) chaotic dreams, or the result of his engineering (Muhammad), or even he is just a publisher, let him bring us a sign (proof), like the apostles who were sent earlier. "
So, this is one of the most profound expressions, if we examine it even makes it very sensible, that it is true that he has never given any signs, unlike the prophets before him.
d. Surah -Ke4-Nisa: 136
O you who believe! Continue to believe in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) and in the book (al-Quran) that was sent down to His Messenger, as well as the books that were revealed before. Whoever denies God, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the day after, then really, that person has strayed very far. Both men and women are he believes, then they will go to heaven and they will not be wronged at all.
So, Muhammad himself proposed or said that believe in the Quran and the books that were revealed earlier. And this is one of our contacts. I personally to them.
e. The difference between Destiny and Allah's Stipulation (between Christianity and Islam)
Destiny can have fatal consequences, causing one's faith to be canceled. There are several beliefs of a true believer must include the six pillars. The last one is having faith in Allah's destiny, both good destiny and bad destiny. Misunderstanding faith in the issues that must be understood by every Muslim regarding this matter of destiny. Hopefully this brief explanation can help us to understand true faith in the destiny of Allah.
There are four principles of faith in destiny (Islam)
First: to believe that Allah Ta'ala knows with his eternal and eternal knowledge about everything that happens both small and large, real and hidden, whether it is an act done by Allah or the deed of his creatures. Everything happens in the knowledge of Allah Ta'ala.
Second: Believe that Allah Ta'ala has written in lauhul mahfudz the destiny of everything until the Day of Judgment. Nothing has happened or will happen unless it has been recorded. The argument for the two principles above is contained in the Qur'an and As Sunnah. In the Qur'an, God Ta'alaberfirman.
Fourth: Believe in God's creation. Allah Ta'ala created everything big and small, real and hidden. Allah's creation includes everything from the part of the creature and its characteristics. The words and deeds of creatures are also God's creations.
Stipulation of Allah according to Islamic Faith
Humans are poor creatures. He lived his life in the world and then died according to a line of destiny that God had determined for him. Some "clever" people quote the Quranic verse which reads "kitaba Allahi alaikum" which means "Allah's decree upon you". The decrees of Allah are predetermined (kitaba = written down). Until there is no choice but to live according to that destiny. Is that right? Of course this is a big mistake, but how is the explanation?
The word ordinance is used to translate several words in the Quran. There are at least 12 kinds of words in the Quran which are translated with the word stipulation, including the word: book, sentence, faridhoh, amr, qodho, law, wasfah, thoir, qaul, wa'dan, sunnah, end. In the discussion this time the word provision corresponds to the word book. There are several verses that include the word book with a translation of the provisions, one of which is verse 24 of Surah An Nisa below.
This means: and (it is also forbidden for you to marry) a married woman, except for the slaves you have, as God's decree on you. And it is lawful for you other than this (namely) to seek wives with your assets to marry not to commit adultery. Then the wives whom you have committed (interfered with) among them, give them a dowry (perfectly), as a duty; and there is no reason for you against something that you have given up for each other, after determining the dowry. Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise. (Surah An-Nisa: 24) "Allah's Stipulation" in this verse corresponds to the phrase "Kitaba Allah". The word of the Book is related to writing activity (the root word is kataba). In other words, "Kitaba Allahu (= the provision of Allah)" refers to the notion of "something which Allah has written down." That something is a rule, a procedure, which must be followed. In the verse above, the rules discussed are the rules regarding marriage and dowry (dowry).
☑ Destiny according to Christianity is not recognized
There are two categories of people who surrender to their destiny because of their belief and those who do not believe (at least maybe believe but not completely). No human being is destined, because of the superiority of "Humans and Angels" with animals and other God's creations. Voting Rights (Free Will). Why are we born as men and why as women is not fate. Because Man was not created for himself, Adam + Eve = Children who are many.
We cannot live without Him and vice versa. Procreation is the likeness of man to God. Everything that comes from God is "round and good" which means there is no error or criticism. For example, women and men = children = round cannot be sued. If humans were destined why did Adam and Eve "Choose" instead of being chosen? When God destined humans, God has broken our promise by giving us the Right to Choose, so with God's help we can change what is called destiny.
Destiny is a human creation. When humans are Fated, it's just a lie, there is no need for belief, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha and everything, then we are predestined. How could it be! Since we have the right to vote, logically, in theory, destiny cannot be implemented. God knows everything, from before we were born and after we died, but God does not affect or predestine us for anything. Judas betrayed because of his own choice. God always encourages and gives way with signs, sometimes with the police pointing or taking us somewhere, but the choice to follow is still ours, not equal to destiny. The Bible, where Mary accepts and is willing is not the same as destiny, why would God ask permission and ask what Maria wanted?
☑ Decision According to Christian Faith Belief
The decrees of Allah Are those that God has established or created that cannot be changed or changed by anyone who is on this earth. As God has created the sky and the earth, it cannot be changed by any creature and it has become the decree of Allah.

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